Saturday, May 25, 2013

Almost there!

This is it! 11 days and I am going to be done. Everything I have known for 12 years will be over. The anticipation of my graduation has evoked the weirdest feelings. I change my feelings about it constantly. Just today I have gone from being excited, to nervous, to sad, to reminiscent. It is definitely making this whole situation more confusing!

But before I make that iconic walk across the stage to receive my diploma I have alot of work left to do at Memorial. Yesterday, we had our Senior Awards. I was lucky enough to receive two awards. One from the American Legion and one from the Daughters of the American Revolution. I received both organization's good citizen award. My favorite part about the awards assembly is the teachers who speak and impart some wisdom on the graduating Seniors. One of our math teachers, Mr. Olson gave a great speech about not tripping and recognizing the great accomplishment that is graduating from Memorial High School.

I also have many 'lasts' coming up. We have our last Partner's club and SADD meetings this week. Both of these organizations have been so important in my life and I know it is going to be hard to say good-bye to them!

Tomorrow the graduation party wave begins. I can't believe that I will be attending the parties of those who are graduating with me!! It's going to be strange. On top of all the parties I have to attend I am also in the middle of planning my own. Who knew that so much work went into these parties. With all of the picture board making, food preparing, inviting, decorating...I barely have time to be excited!

Through the rest of this crazy year I am going to try to keep perspective. I am trying to remind myself that while it might be sad to be leaving...sad to be attending these lasts...sad to be saying goodbye. In reality those things that have been really important to me will never be gone. They will always be a part of my life. On the other hand while I am itching to be done with all of the projects, tests, essays, etc. I need to remind myself that those days are numbered and I should appreciate them while I have the chance.

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